Heaven and Hell are Real Places
Everybody would like to think that they are going to heaven when they die. Different religions have different descriptions of what heaven is like. However, Christianity describes heaven as being radically different from what we are used to on earth, including different laws of physics. The only ones who seem to get a free pass to heaven are infants and children and those who are incapable of fully understanding either their spiritual condition or God's requirements for salvation. Disappointing to many people is that there will not be marriage in heaven (for the 79 virgins, you need to pick another religion). However, in heaven we will have the full knowledge of God, even as He currently knows each of us, which is amazing! The Bible also describes heaven as consisting of "thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly," so it would seem that heaven will be a big celebration (but probably no barking dogs).
Since most people want to do their own thing, they are probably going to
end up in hell. From the Bible's description, it is
difficult to know what hell will be like, since the
descriptions are mostly metaphorical, although nobody who goes there is
probably going to enjoy the experience. Atheists love to complain about God
sending billions of people to hell,
even though He knows who will go to
hell before He creates them. Their other favorite complaint is about
what will happen to people who have
never heard of Jesus Christ or those
who are born Into Buddhist, Hindu or
other non-Christian homes. Many people like to make fun of the idea of
Satan. However, the Bible indicates that Satan
is merely a created angel, who rebelled against God and convinced one third
of the angels to follow him in rebellion.
Satan is attempting to convince people to do likewise.
- What Will Heaven be Like? Radically different physics and living
- What Will Hell be Like? Trust me, you don't want
to go there
- A Loving God Would Not Send Billions of People to Hell, Would He?
- Why Would God Create a Person Who Would be Destined for Hell?
- It Isn't Fair That God Judges People Who are Born Into Buddhist, Hindu or Other Non-Christian Homes
- What will happen to the people who have never heard of Jesus Christ?
- Who is Satan?: What Does the Bible Say About the Devil?
- Have Christians Already Overcome Satan? - The Importance of the Word of God in the Life of the Believer
Spiritual Death - Physical death is the least of your worries!
- The Bible Says Hell is a Place Located Under the Earth: An Atheists' Myth
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Last Modified April 20, 2012