Introduction to Evidence for God from Science
If your are:
Agnostic/Atheist/Skeptic - Does God exist?
- Who is God?
- General Introduction for Non-Believers (Is God Real? Does Science Answer "Is There a God?", Is Christianity True? Evidence for the Truth of the Christian Religion)- Then go to the answers pages
- The argument for God's existence from the design of the universe, design of the earth, evidence from cosmology, and more design pages
- If you have specific questions (evil and suffering, those who have never heard, atrocities in the name of religion, more - Answers for Atheists and Agnostics
- If you feel evolution explains the existence of all life and that a Creator is unnecessary - the design/evolution pages
- More Questions? E-mail me and I will provide an answer (and probably post the answer to this site)
Deist - Doesn't deism make more sense?
Theist/Deist - How can I know if Christianity is true?
- What Is Christianity?
- Who is God?
- Is Christianity True? Evidence for the Truth of the Christian Religion
- Was Jesus God? The evidence for the deity of Jesus of Nazareth
All Religions Lead to God? Can One Discern the True Religion? - Can religious truth be discerned or are we relegated to being unable to choose?
Is the Bible Really the Word of God?
Is Our Copy of the Bible a Reliable Copy of the Original?
- Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not Invented Until the Fourth Century?
- Scientific Evidence for Answered Prayer and the Existence of God - Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is effective in physical healing. Christianity is the only religion where double-blind, scientific studies have demonstrated the efficacy of prayer.
Authenticity of the Bible - Lots of pages, including archeology
- Biblical Creation - Does the Bible really fit the scientific data we see in nature?
- Answers to Biblical 'Contradictions' and False Teachings in the Bible?
- My Testimony for Jesus Christ - how God lead me to faith, including a physical healing miracle.
- God at Work in My Life - Through a relationship with Jesus Christ, God is personal and will personally lead you (my story for the last few years)
Jewish - Jesus couldn't be the Messiah, could he?
Who is Jesus Christ?
- Was Jesus God? The evidence for the deity of Jesus of Nazareth
- Why Jesus of Nazareth must be the Messiah
- Jesus Christ - Messiah of the Rabbinical Writers
How the Passover Reveals Jesus Christ
- The Triunity (Trinity) of God in The Old Testament
- Salvation in the Old Testament - by Faith or by Works? - Are you sure your "good" behavior will get you into heaven?
- Prince of Peace - What Peace? Did Jesus fail as the Prince of Peace?
- The False Messiah by S.T. Karnick. Errors undermine attempt to enhance Jewish-Christian understanding. Review of Why the Jews Rejected Jesus by David Klinghoffer.
LDS Church (Mormons)/Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses)- How do these religions differ from Christianity?
- Aberrant "Christian" Theology - Why these religions are not biblically based.
- LDS Theology - how it differs from biblical Christianity
- Jehovah's Witnesses - how it differs from biblical Christianity
A minority who has been mistreated (maybe by "Christians")
- Racism in the Bible? - Does the Bible support racism and prejudice?
- Slavery in the Bible: Does God Approve of It?
A woman who thinks the Bible is sexist
- Sexism in the Bible? - Does the Bible treat women as second-class citizens?
An environmentalist who thinks the Bible condones the plunder of the earth
- Is Christianity anti-Environmental? - Does the Bible teach that man is free to use and abuse the earth and its wildlife any way he pleases?
- Global Warming: Are We Headed
for an Ecological Disaster? - Cut through the ignorance of the naysayers
and the wild predictions of the radical environmentalists. What does the
science really say? (PDF version
- Global Warming Myths: Bogus Science and Exaggerated Claims for Climate Change
- Save Our Canyon - Vulcan Materials Company wants to expand its mining to scar the front ridge of the San Gabriel Mountain range in Los Angeles. If you live in the San Gabriel Valley, please join us to oppose this irresponsible proposal.
- How Old is the Earth According to the Bible and Science?
- Evangelism/Apologetics Information
- Evolution - why macroevolution is false
- Doctrine - take the basic theology quiz, brush up with the Discovery Bible study Course, eternal security, and learn about aberrant teachings
- Christian Life Issues - The controversial stuff, abortion, stem cell research, drugs, living together, and more.
- Learn more about Evidence for God from Science or volunteer to serve in the ministry
Christian who doesn't attend church
Lazy person who doesn't want to read
- YouTube Videos - It doesn't mean you don't have to think!
Just Surfing
- Web site development tips - including free domain hosting without banner ads, free e-commerce, more...
- How to create your own apologetics (or other) website for little or no money.
- The 'Christian' Humor Pages
- Find out more about Rich Deem and family (pictures, etc.)
- New Pages at
Last Modified March 21, 2012