DISCOVERY Bible Study Course
Sierra Madre Congregational Church
170 West Sierra Madre Boulevard
Sierra Madre, California 91024
(626) 355-3566
Where do I start?
If you are a new believer taking your first step or a new member looking for a place to
start and get acquainted with others, Discovery is designed for you! Our goal is
1. to encourage you in your faith and maturity
Whether you're a non-Christian investigating the claims of Jesus Christ and Christianity, a young believer with a zillion questions, or a seasoned saint, our prayer and desire is that your relationship with Jesus Christ will grow and become more personal.
2. to instruct and discuss basic Bible truths to questions such as:
- What's the Bible? How do I study God's Word?
- Is it possible to have a personal relationship with God?
- Who is Jesus Christ and what has He done for me?
- How can I be guaranteed to have eternal life?
- How can I be assured I am a Christian?
- What's God like?
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
3. to introduce you to others in the Church so you can benefit from Christian fellowship:
Our church is large enough that you can get lost in the crowd. We hope that this class will just begin the process of meeting and developing relationships with others here at Sierra Madre Congregational Church.
God bless you as you DISCOVER the joy of knowing God and identifying with His church.
Lesson # l: | "What is the Bible?" |
Lesson # 2: | "How to Know the Bible" |
Lesson # 3: | "Who is Jesus Christ?" |
Lesson # 4: | "The Work of Christ" |
Lesson # 5: | "The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit" |
Lesson # 6: | "The Attributes of God" |
Lesson # 7: | "Answered Prayer" |
Lesson # 8: | "Confession and Forgiveness" |
Lesson # 9: | "The Christian Walk" (Part 1: Principles of Position) |
Lesson #10: | "The Christian Walk" (Part 2: The Christian Walk Described) |
Lesson #11: | "The Church and Ministry" |
Credit and appreciation is extended to Grace Community Church for the basic idea, layout, and much of the material contained in this study. |
"GETTING TO KNOW YOU" QUESTIONNAIREWould you be kind enough to fill out this worksheet so that I can get to know you as soon as possible (we only have 10 weeks) and to help me build my goals for this class (I want to meet your specific needs, as well as give our class some structure).
Please check your age group:
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |