Christian Life Issues
This area contains articles for Christians concerned with making biblically based decisions on worldly issues, or those wanting a biblical perspective on some Christian ideas taught by some believers, although not universally agreed upon.
Christian Life
- Brownies with a Difference - Almost perfect brownies you can offer to your kids.
- Consecration - Set Apart for the Purposes of God
- Nothing Unique About the Teachings of Jesus Christ? - The radical teachings of Jesus Christ
- Dancing with the Broom: Your Worth in the Eyes of God vs. How Others See You
- Does the Bible Support Reincarnation? - Think you will get another chance at life?
- Giving Thanks to God - This
should be the Christian's response under all circumstances
- Thanksgiving Essays - Why are you personally thankful to God?
- Harry Potter- Is It Something That Christian Children Should Read? It is just fantasy. What's wrong with that?
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - Practical ideas for Christians
- Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? - It seems like a no-brainer - but is it?
- Who killed Princess Diana? The Christian and Gossip
- WWJD - What Would Jesus Do? Is that what we should do?
- You aren't going to do some Christian thing, are you? - Go ahead, shock your friends!
- Gospel in the Stars?- What Does the Bible Say About Astrology?
- Nostradamus Predictions 2012: The Greatest Prophet of Modern Times? - Don't forget to take our Nostradamus Predictions Quiz.
- New Year's Resolutions- Why You Can't Keep Them - Or can you?
- What Happens to Christians Who Commit Suicide? Do They Go To Heaven or Hell?
- Once Saved Always Saved? Eternal Security of the Believer
- Forgiveness: Why it is not optional for the Christian
- The Golden Compass Movie Review: Why Christians Should Boycott This Movie
- Religulous Movie Review Starring Bill Maher Directed by Larry Charles by Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D. (off site)
Human Sexuality
- Why Sex With Robots is Always Wrong: The Impending Demise of the Human Species - Don't dismiss this idea without examining the data that suggests it will be a huge problem when the technology catches up with our human nature.
- Can Christians View Pornography? What the Bible Says - Pornography's not real sin, is it?
- Husband Addicted to Porn? How to Cut His Access - Help your husband break the habit
- Is it Okay for a Christian to Marry a Non Christian? What is Unequally Yoked? No matter how much you "have in common," marrying a non-Christian is a bad idea.
- The Biblical Design for Human Sexuality - What the Bible says about sexual relations for Christians
Is Living Together Before Marriage a Good Idea? - Doesn't a trial marriage make sense before jumping into the real thing?
- Is it Okay for Christians to Engage in Premarital Sex? - Believe it or not, these principles are not often taught in today's Christian churches
- Rebuttal to Why the Christian Right is Wrong About Homosexuality - by Michael Klein
- Smoking and Alcohol: It's Just Another Lifestyle: What Health Risks? - Is homosexuality a healthy lifestyle?
- Genetics and Homosexuality: Are People Born Gay? - A review of the scientific literature regarding the biological basis for homosexuality
- Links - Other good sites
Drugs and alcohol
- Is Okay for Christians to Use Marijuana and Other Drugs? - Isn't everything God created good?
- The Medical "Benefits" of Smoking Marijuana: a Review of the Current Scientific Literature - It's not quite as harmless as advertised
- No on Proposition 19: Why the Marijuana Initiative is Bad for California
- Christians and Wine by Ken Symington
- What's Wrong with the Democrats (and Republicans) and "The American Dream" You won't like this article, but you should read it anyway.
- Yes on Proposition 8: California Protect Marriage Amendment
- What is Wrong With Embryonic Stem Cell Research? Although embryonic stem cell research has been promoted as being the best way to pursue cell-based therapies, in fact, it is unacceptable for therapy because they spontaneously form tumors when transplanted into a compatible host.
Biblical look at some Christian Ideas
- Did Jesus Command Baptism in Order to be Saved? - An examination of John 3: "...unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
- Is the King James Version the Only Bible that a Christian Should Read? - Why King James "onlyism" fails the test.
- Transubstantiation- Does the Eucharist Become the "Real Presence" - the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ? - Is there biblical support for the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation?
- Should Christians Worship to Rock Music? - Is is from the Devil or can it be done unto the Lord?
Spiritual Death - Physical death is the least of your worries!
- What are the Biblical Translation Issues Raised by the Gender-Inclusive Debate? - Things are not quite as simple as they might first appear.
- Should Christians Eat Meat or Should We Be Vegetarians? - An examination of what the Bible says about eating meat.
Seventh-Day Adventism
- Daniel Seven-Nine: Does it Support Seventh Day Adventism - Is there an "investigative judgment of the saints"?
- Matthew 5-17-19; Too Slender of a Reed to Support Seventh-Day Sabbatarianism Must the Christian set aside only Saturday to worship the Lord?
- Should Christians Worship on Saturday or Sunday? "The Lord's Day": An Analysis of the Meaning of the Phrase in Revelation 1:10
- Is the Sabbath a Creation Ordinance? Did the early church fathers observe the Sabbath?
- A Review of
Judging the Sabbath by Ron du Preez A technical rebuttal to
du Preez's interpretation of what Paul meant by a Sabbath in
Colossians 2:16
460 kb)
Other Issues
- Christmas and Christianity is Not "Tasteful" at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Deception in the News - Don't believe everything you "see" or read in the press!
- One Nation Under God? - What's Wrong With Our Nation
- Y2K - How Serious Will It Be? - Yeah, its old, but it was fun while it lasted.
- ACLU Caught Violating Privacy Rights - the bastion of civil liberties and privacy has been caught violating the privacy of their own e-mail list! They refuse to respond to any inquiries. Hypocrites!
- The Blaine Game - The ACLU and NEA take up the cause of the Blaine laws designed to discriminate against immigrants and Catholics during the 19th century (from the Wall Street Journal).
Last Modified January 20, 2012