Biblical Creation
Old Earth Creation
If God Created Everything, Who Created God? Why God doesn't need a super-god creator?
Creationary Model for the Universe and Life on Earth - a creationary, scientific model for the universe and life within it
Science and the Bible: Does the Bible Contradict Scientific Principles?- Scientific principles first explained in the Bible
- Genesis One and the Age of the Earth: What does the Bible say? - Young earth myths about what the meaning of Genesis one really says are exposed in this article by Rodney Whitefield.
- In the Beginning... Biblical Creation
- An overview of the major creation biblical models
- A Biblical Case for Old-Earth Creationism - Are old earth creationists just a bunch of compromisers who ignore scripture? Jon Greene explains why old earth creationism flows naturally from the biblical texts.
- The Literal Interpretation of the Genesis One Creation Account - A literal interpretation of Genesis one solely from scripture leads us to conclude that the days were long periods of time
- Day-Age Genesis One Interpretation
- A scripturally- and scientifically-accurate model for the creation of
the universe and earth and life on it
- Biblical Defense of Long Creation Days - Answers questions that young-earth creationists have about the day-age interpretation of Genesis - using biblical support
Biblical Evidence for Long Creation Days - Why the Bible indicates that the "days" are longer than 24 hours
- The Genesis Flood- Why
the Bible Says It Must be Local
- Psalm 104-9 - Does it refer to the Original Creation or the Flood? - The concept of a global Genesis flood can be easily eliminated from a plain reading of Psalm 104
- Genesis 6-9- The Flood
- Is the Biblical Flood Account a Modified Copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh? (PDF version
- Progressive Creation- An Overview by Dale Tooley
- The 'Gap' Creation Model - Scriptural and scientific problems
- Dinosaurs and the Bible: Why Aren't They Mentioned?
- Origin of First Plants on Land: Bible Said It First - Land plants appeared before sea animals, as the Bible claimed.
Doesn't Genesis One Contradict Genesis Two?
- Out of Africa or Out of Eden: Does Science Contradict the Bible? New data suggests an explanation for the apparent contradiction.
- Must Human Evolution Contradict Genesis? by Dennis Bonnette - Does an intellectual Christian need to reject Genesis?
- The Genesis Genealogies: Are They Complete? - Do the biblical genealogies require a young earth interpretation? by Dr. John Millam
- How "Creation" Implies God by Dennis Bonnette
- Why is There Something Instead of Nothing?
- If God is Omnipotent (All Powerful) Why Did He Need to Take Six Days to Create the Universe? Why did God wait so long to create the Earth and human beings on it?
- Size of the Universe: Isn't it Too Large to Have Been Created by God for Humanity? Why didn't God create just one star and one planet?
Book Reviews
- Book Review: More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation by Hugh Ross
- Book Review: Why the Universe Is the Way It Is by Hugh Ross
- Book Review: The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry
- Book Review: Creation As Science: A Testable Model Approach to End the Creation/evolution Wars
- Book Review: Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth
Book Review: Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man
- Book Review: Origin of the Human Species
- Book Review: Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off
- Book Review: Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job by Hugh Ross

Scriptural rebuttals to young-earth creation science
- How Old is the Earth According to the Bible and Science? - Both the Bible and science refute young earth creationism
- Refutation of Young Earth Creationism from the Scriptures - Parallel creation accounts demonstrate why the young earth interpretation fails the test of biblical coherency.
Trouble in Paradise: Why the Young
Earth Paradigm Fails the Test of the Biblical Worldview - The young
earth paradigm contradicts biblical teaching about the nature of God and
includes extra-biblical ideas that are not supported by scripture. (PDF
- Why AIG's Origins Science vs. Operational Science Distinction is Bogus - AIG has invented new doctrines that are directly contradicted by the Bible and the record of the creation.
- Is the Young-Earth Interpretation Biblically Sound? - A young-earth interpretation of the creation account can be scripturally sound, but the prevalent young-earth interpretation is not.
- The Six Days of
Creation: A Closer Look at Scripture - Jon Greene examines scripture to
determine what the days of Genesis looked like. Also included is a brief
history of young earth creationism. (PDF version
- The Genesis
Genealogies: Are They Complete? John Millam examines the young earth
claim that the Genesis genealogies are complete and finds that they are, in
fact telescoped. Includes tables of all biblical genealogies. (PDF version
- Were the Early
Church Fathers Young Earth Creationists? Although the early church
fathers were probably not old earth creationists, they would have rejected
much of the teaching of the current young earth paradigm. (PDF version
- Millions of Years of Death and Suffering: Does the Old Earth View Compromise God's Character? According to young earth creationists, God initiated animal death because of Adam's sin. Are these the actions of a righteous Judge?
- Appearance of Age - A Young Earth Problem - Yes, this young earth doctrine is a problem, since it distorts and corrupts the true nature of the God of the Bible
No Death Before the Fall - A Young Earth Problem - Young earth creationists claim that there was no animal death before the Fall. However, the Bible clearly indicates that Adam had seen predatory activity and death prior to Eve's creation.
- Plants Don't Die According to Young Earth Creationists - In fact, young earth creationists say that plants aren't even alive. Is this doctrine really in the Bible?
- Was Adam Created as an Immortal Being? - Contrary to young earth theology, Adam was created as a mortal being, hence God's concern to remove Adam from having access to the tree of life as soon as he sinned.
Genesis Clearly Teaches that the Days Were Not 24 Hours - An examination of the Genesis text to arrive at the proper interpretation of the lengths of the days
- Does the Bible Say God Created the Universe in Six 24-Hour Days? Many young earth ministries say that biblical Hebrew gives no possibility that the days are anything other than 24-hours in length. This pages shows that their 'rules" have many exceptions.
- The Hebrew Word "Yom" Used with a Number in Genesis 1 - What does "yom" mean in Genesis 1? by Rodney Whitefield, Ph.D.
The Literal Interpretation of the Genesis One Creation Account - A literal interpretation of Genesis one solely from scripture leads us to conclude that the days must have been long periods of time
- The Genesis Flood- Why the Bible
Says It Must be Local
- Psalm 104:9 - Does it refer to the Original Creation or the Flood? - The concept of a global Genesis flood can be easily eliminated from a plain reading of Psalm 104
- Rapid Post-Flood Speciation: A
Critique of the Young-Earth Model
Is the young-earth model of speciation scientifically and scripturally
plausible? (PDF version
- Biblical Evidence for Long Creation Days - Why the Bible indicates that the "days" are longer than 24 hours
- Biblical Defense of Long Creation Days - Answers questions that young-earth creationists have about the day-age interpretation of Genesis - using biblical support.
- Did God Create Carnivores on Day 6?
The Vapor Canopy Theory- Why the Bible (and science) says it is false
- Does Romans 8-19-22 Refer to the Cursed Creation? Why this interpretation contradicts other scripture passages on the creation.
Does Genesis 3-17 Really Say That God Cursed the Ground of the Entire Earth? Or does this verse really refer to the cursing of the ground in the garden of Eden?
- Exposing the New Young Earth Book Refuting Compromise - by Greg Neyman. Refuting the real compromisers.
- Because it Had Rained: A Study of Genesis 2:5-7 With Implications for Genesis 2:4-25 and Genesis 1:1-2:3 by Dr. Mark D. Futato - A rebuttal to the YEC idea that there was no rain before the flood. Part 2 (offsite).
- Does Old-Earth Creationism
Contradict Genesis 1?: A Rebuttal to Terry Mortenson's Article “Evolution
vs. Creation: the Order of Events Matters” - by Greg Moore (PDF version
- Links to More Young-Earth Creationism Critiques - Read what others have to say - most written by former young-earth creationists.
Scientific rebuttals to the young-earth creation science
Scientific Evidence for the Age of the Universe
- An Evaluation of Evidence for the Age of the Universe
- The Earth Looks Old Because it is Old
- Rebuttal to "Ten Problems Against the Big Bang"
- Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth? by Matthew S. Tiscareno
- Assessing the RATE Project by Randy Isaac (ASA)
- Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index (Answers in Creation)
Specific Scientific Rebuttals to Young-Earth "Scientific Proofs"
All of the "scientific" evidence for a young earth suffer from one of the following flaws:
- Faulty assumptions
- Use of faulty data
- Avoidance of data that refutes the position
I will be adding more rebuttals as I respond to specific questions. Here is the current list:
- Is the Speed of Light Decreasing? - An analysis of the theoretical and observational flaws in the hypothesis that the speed of light was much faster in the past. Actual data and graphs from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Decay of the Earth's Magnetic Field Proves the Earth is Young
- Polonium Halos in Primordial Rock Prove the Earth is Young
- Not Enough Dust on the Earth or Moon Prove the Earth is Young
- The Rings Around Saturn Must be Young
- The Slowing of the Earth's Rotation Rate Means the Earth Must be Young
- The Human Population is Increasing Too Rapidly
Dinosaur Soft Tissue Found in T. rex Bones - Is it really "fresh" tissue?
- Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth? by Matthew S. Tiscareno - Includes a long list of claims
- Errors in Tired Light Cosmology by Dr. Edward L. Wright (offsite)
- A Visit To Mt. St. Helens rebuttal to the idea that Mt. Saint Helens provides evidence for young earth "geology" by John N. Clayton (offsite)
- Supervolcanoes as Evidence of a Young Earth? by Greg Neyman (offsite)
A warning from Saint Augustine (4th century) to Christians about the creation:
"Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience. Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking non-sense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn. The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of the faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men. If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods on facts which they themselves have learnt from experience and the light of reason? Reckless and incompetent expounders of holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although 'they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion.'" (Augustine, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, vol. 1, ch.19.)
Additional Resources:
To Believe's third in a series of books proposing a testable creation model
takes on the origin and design of the universe. Previous books,
Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off
and Who
Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man
, examined the
origin of life on earth and the origin of mankind, respectively.
Creation As Science develops a biblical creation model and compares
the predictions of this model compared to a naturalistic model, young earth
creationism, and theistic evolution. This biblical creation model is divided
into four main areas, the origin of the universe, the origin of the Solar
System, the history of life on earth, and the origin and history of mankind.
Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth
by Mark
S. Whorton, Ph.D. goes beyond the superficial doctrines
espoused by the young earth "perfect paradise" paradigm to examine underlying assumptions and extra-biblical teachings
of the movement.
Peril in Paradise
examines verses cited as support for the perfect paradise paradigm in
context to determine their actual meaning. In addition, the book compares the
perfect paradise paradigm to the perfect purpose paradigm proposed by old earth
creationists. Since the book sticks to the scriptures almost exclusively, it
cannot be claimed that old earth creationists ignore the scriptures in
preference to "fallible science."
Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy
by Hugh Ross examines the
biblical creation controversy through an in-depth study of history, theology,
and science through a testable creation model that proposes a mechanism to
settle this raging dispute.
New Look at an Old Earth
by Don
Don Stoner looks at the age of the earth from a scientific and biblical perspective. He presents much more evidence that is not presented in A Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy.
The older version of A New Look at an Old Earth is available online
More Books on Biblical Creation
Last Modified October 9, 2012