God's Love for Us
God's Love
God's love is not a topic of discussion in most religions. However, for Christianity, God's love for us is the center of gospel message. God's love is most aptly illustrated in the parable of the prodigal son. The Bible defines love as an action verb, characterized by our love for God and our fellow human beings, in response to God's love for us. Can we really love everybody as the Bible commands?
- God's Outrageous Love - An earthly story to illustrate the truth about God's love.
The Greatest Love Of All - Is the greatest love really to love yourself???
- Love Defined (by the Bible) - How the Bible defines true love.
The New Commandment That is Old - Can you really love everyone?
- Tiger in the Tent - Why would the God of the universe come to earth as a man?
Slideshow: From the Beginning to Man: How God declares His love to us - How God's love is declared through the laws of nature, the design of the universe, and His personal outreach to us (thumbnail picture index). (
original PowerPoint File - 8.5 MB)
- Slideshow: Tour
the Universe (requires JavaScript) - Unearthly awesome pictures of the universe.
(non-Javascript thumbnail version,
Pictures of the Universe PowerPoint File - 25 MB)
Last Modified May 17, 2011