Evolution vs. Design: Is the Universe a Cosmic Accident or Does it Display Intelligent Design?
Design in the Universe
- Design vs. Naturalism - General Introduction for Non-Believers - What you must believe (i.e., not testable) as an atheist.
Can Intelligent Design (ID) be a Testable, Scientific Theory? - A testable, falsifiable, predictive biblical creation model.
- Religion and Intelligent Design Impede Science and Close Off Inquiry? Are we really anti-science?
- Evidence for the Fine Tuning of the
Universe - Why are the physical constants the way they are? Is it chance
or design?
- Missing the Obvious - Kemo Sabi has a message for all you Tontos.
- Extreme Fine Tuning - the Cosmological Constant - Would you believe 1 in 10120?
- UFO's and Extraterrestrial Aliens - Why Earth Has Never Been Visited - Numerous laws of physics prevent visitation
- Inflationary Big Bang Model
- How it all started.
- Why is There Something Instead of Nothing? - Is it really true that universes can appear from nothing?
- Size of the Universe: Isn't it Too Large to Have Been Created by God for Humanity? Why didn't God create just one star and one planet?
- If God is Omnipotent (All Powerful) Why Did He Need to Take Six Days to Create the Universe? Why did God wait so long to create the Earth and human beings on it?
- The Universe is Not Eternal, But Had A Beginning - Contrary to atheist's claims, the majority of scientists state as fact that the universe had a beginning.
Why Stephen Hawking is Wrong About God Not Creating the Universe - The universe just created itself out of nothing?
- The Incredible Design of the Earth
- Just the third rock from an ordinary star?
- Does 'Goldilocks' Planet Gliese 581g Harbor Life? Is it really 100% likely that life exists there?
- Kepler 22b: Why it is Almost Certainly NOT Habitable
- An Estimate of the Probability for Attaining the Necessary Parameters for Life Support - Table of probabilities.
- Moons Like Earth's Moon are Rare in the Universe
- Evidence for God's Existence from Cosmology
PowerPoint file - 1.3 MB)
- From the Beginning to Man- How God Declares His Love to Us Through the Design of the Universe
PowerPoint file - 5.7 MB)
- Quotes from Scientists Regarding Design of the Universe - They say the funniest things, even though they still don't get it!
- God of the Gaps - Do All Christian Apologetics Fall Into This Kind of Argument? - A survey of arguments reported to support the existence of God and whether they are just due to a lack of scientific knowledge.
Did David Hume Really Defeat William Paley's Watchmaker Argument? - Although revered by atheists, Hume was actually wrong about what he thought represented the reality of the universe.
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? - Antony Flew Renounces Atheism - After actively promoting atheism for decades, Prof. Flew embraces deism, saying he "had to go where the evidence leads."
- Book Review: There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind by Antony Flew
- Where is God When Bad Things Happen? Why Natural Evil Must Exist - Contrary to skeptical claims, nearly all "natural evil" is required for life to exist at all.
- Does the Second Law of Thermodynamics Prove the Existence of God? - by John M. Cimbala, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
- How "Creation" Implies God by Dennis Bonnette
- The Extradimensional Nature of God - How can God do that?
- Take the
Ultimate Atheist Challenge and Design Your Own Universe - Try your hand at it. It is not as easy as first impressions...
- Alternative Universes - Your designs - can you do better?
- Book Reviews
- Book Review: Creating Life in the Lab: How New discoveries in Synthetic Biology Make a Case for the Creator
Book Review: More Than a Theory:
Revealing a Testable Model for Creation by Hugh Ross
- Book Review: Why the Universe Is the Way It Is by Hugh Ross
- Book Review: The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry
- Debunking Dawkins: The God Delusion
- Book Review: Creation As Science: A Testable Model Approach to End the Creation/evolution Wars
- Book Review: Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man
- Book Review: Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off
Design in Biology
Can Intelligent Design (ID) be a Testable, Scientific Theory?
- Examples of Bad Design Gone Bad - Evolutionists examples (human esophagus, Panda's thumb, vertebrate retina, appendix, junk Deoxyribonucleic acid: the chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms.DNA, etc.) of "bad" design refuted through new studies
- The Washing Machine from the Bad Place- A Lesson on Intelligent Design - And you thought only biological systems could be poorly designed!
- Response to "Dissecting Dembski's 'Complex Specified Information'" Can evolution produce specified complexity?
- The Designing Times - The news the evolutionists don't want you to read!
- Origins News - Recent news from the scientific community about the origins of humans and animals
"Junk" DNA: Why non-coding DNA Isn't Really Junk - Definitive evidence for design and function of DNA that does not carry the information necessary to make a protein.non-coding Deoxyribonucleic acid: the chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms.DNA found! When your evolutionist friends tell you that all the junk Deoxyribonucleic acid: the chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms.DNA in our genes precludes an intelligent Creator, send them here!
- Pseudogenes- Argument for Evolution and Against Design? - Not only are many psuedogenes transcribed, but some are even required for life.
- Origin of First Plants on Land: Bible Said It First - Land plants appeared before sea animals, as the Bible claimed.
Evolution Rebuttals
If you believe that the theory of macroevolution is true, prepare to be challenged. No, you won't find the usual creationist rhetoric about the second law of thermodynamics, Nebraska Man, or the creationism charges of mistakes made by evolutionists 60 years ago. What you will find is the best of creationary science - real, peer-reviewed scientific literature of studies done by evolutionists! Start here and work your way down the page.
- General Rebuttal to the Theory of Evolution - a general examination of why macroevolution is false
- A Scientific Case Against Evolution by Robert Locke, a self-described, non-creationist
- The Philosophical Impossibility of Darwinian Naturalistic Evolution by Dennis Bonnette
Origin of Life
Origin of Life Theories: Metabolism-first vs. Replicator-first Hypotheses - Origin of life researchers fight it out to prove each other wrong. Maybe they are both correct!
- Origin of Life: Earth's Early Atmosphere Wasn't Reducing - The holy grail of abiogenesis, a reducing atmosphere, has been proven not to have existed for at least 500 million years before life originated.
- Abiogenesis: Is the Chemical Origin
of Life a Realistic Scenario? - a list of the "science of the gaps"
beliefs of those who reject a Creator God.
- Think you have the answer? Enter to win $1.35 million!
- The Origin of Homochirality: A Major Problem for Origin of Life Theories - biologically active amino acids and nucleic acids are optically pure, but can you get there merely with prebiotic chemistry?
- Problems with the Origin of Biological Membranes Under Prebiotic Conditions - Not only is it impossible to get replication and metabolism, but formation of membranes under early earth conditions is extremely problematic.
- What's Wrong With NASA's Arsenic-Eating Bacteria Study? - Doesn't this prove that life can originate and survive under almost any environment? Think cold fusion!
- NASA Scientist Discovers Alien Life in Meteorites - Again! NOT! - As Pharyngula blog commented, "I'm looking forward to the publication next year of the discovery of an extraterrestrial rabbit in a meteor."
- Evolution Deception in California State High School Biology Textbook Biology: Principles & Explorations - This high school biology textbook gives the impression that the spontaneous origin of life is a done deal. Predictably, all the science contradicting spontaneous origin is conveniently omitted.
- Cell Membrane-Like Organic Vesicles Formed in Conditions Mimicking Interstellar Clouds? - Did interstellar gas clouds form organic membrane-like structures that led to the emergence of life on earth? An example of an unbelievably flawed study.
- Origin of life: latest theories/problems - a discussion of the problems inherent in the Ribonucleic acid: a chemical that directs the manufacture of proteins and sometimes codes for the genetic material within certain organisms.RNA World hypothesis.
- Book Review: Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off
- The Origin of Life on Planet Earth by Jim Schicatano
Cambrian Explosion
- Meyer, S.C. 2004 The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 117:213-239. A peer-reviewed publication delineating the profound problem of information explosion during the Cambrian, arguing that intelligent design provides a better explanation than natural selection.
Descent of Man?
Descent of Mankind Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology
- The
Origin of Mankind and the Races - An examination of evolutionary and
creationary models and how they fit the current scientific data (
PowerPoint Presentation, 1.5 MB).
- The Human Difference: How Humans are Unique Compared to All Other Animals - Think man is just a glorified ape? Think again. A scientific and biblical examination of the evidence.
- Human Y-Chromosome: 'horrendously different' from Nearest Living 'Relative' - Aren't humans and chimpanzees 98% Identical?
- Mind-Body Dualism - Is the Mind Purely a Function of the Brain? - Science has disproved the existence of the soul?
- Out of Africa or Out of Eden: Does Science Contradict the Bible? New data suggests an explanation for the apparent contradiction.
- Australopithecus sediba: The Missing Link Between Apes and Humans? Australopithecus sediba appears to be a specialized ape rather than an intermediate.
- A Philosophical Critical Analysis of Recent Ape-Language Studies by Dennis Bonnette - Do the ape language studies show that they are similar to humans?
- Must Human Evolution Contradict Genesis? by Dennis Bonnette - Does an intellectual Christian need to reject Genesis?
- Did Darwin Prove Genesis a Fairy Tale? by Dennis Bonnette
Thomas Aquinas Meets Nim Chimpsky: On The Debate About Human Nature And The Nature Of Other Animals by Marie George (
PDF file, 165 kb)
- Long Life Spans- "Adam Lived 930 Years and Then He Died" -Is it impossible that humans could have lived nearly a millennium?
- Hobbit Human-Like Species Found on Flores Island in Indonesia - Is this proof or a problem for evolution? Is it merely a microencephalic with congenital abnormalities?
- A Scientific and Biblical Response to "Up from the Apes. Remarkable New Evidence Is Filling in the Story of How We Became Human" - A comprehensive response to the Time article of August 23, 1999 by Fazale Rana, Ph.D., Richard Deem, MS, and Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
- Book Review: Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man
- Book Review: Origin of the Human Species
Evolutionary Biology Problems
- Tetrapod Tracks Overturn Reigning Evolutionary Theory on Fish-Tetrapod Transition - Fossilized tracks of large, advanced four legged animals are found from 395 million years ago - at least 10-30 million years before the existence of their transitional or intermediate "ancestors."
- Early Design in Eyes from Shrimp-like Anomalocaris - How did evolution design 16,000-lense eyes and the neural capacity to interpret it only a few tens of millions of years after the first animal life appeared in the seas?
- Did Scientists Evolve a Multicellular Organism from a Single-Celled Organism? - Even though it took 3 billion years for multicellular organisms to appear on earth, scientists were able to produce multicellular organisms from unicellular ones in mere days. If you believe that, I have a bridge you can buy!
- Demise of the "Birds are Dinosaurs" Theory - two clever studies by well-known avian evolutionists. - "The opponents of the theropod hypothesis refuse to propose an alternative hypothesis that is falsifiable. This is probably because there are no other suitable candidates for avian ancestors.
- Recent Problems in Evolution - expose of evolution's failings (from 1990 onward)
- The Evolution (NOT!) Times - news not found in your local newspaper or evolution textbook.
- Intentional Deception by Evolutionists - Oops! Evolutionists caught using the "techniques of creationists"!
- Sexual Reproduction: A Continuing Mystery to Evolutionists - Sexual reproduction and recombination acts to dilute Permanent structural alterations in DNA, consisting of either substitutions, insertions or deletions of nucleotide bases.mutations - minimizing the effects of harmful Permanent structural alterations in DNA, consisting of either substitutions, insertions or deletions of nucleotide bases.mutations to preserve fitness, but also concealing beneficial Permanent structural alterations in DNA, consisting of either substitutions, insertions or deletions of nucleotide bases.mutations, which prevents these Permanent structural alterations in DNA, consisting of either substitutions, insertions or deletions of nucleotide bases.mutations from being acted on by natural selection.
- Second Thoughts about Peppered Moths - This classical story of evolution by natural selection needs revising, by Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. (off site)
Evolution and the Bible/Morality
- Naturalistic Biological Change and the Bible - Does the Bible preclude any form of evolution? The answer may surprise you!
- Inherit the Wind- The Truth About the "Real Brady" (William Jennings Bryan) of the Scopes 'Monkey Trial' This fictionalized depiction of the Scopes trial distorts the original characters, vilifying the Christians and elevating the evolutionists. If such a book were written intentionally distorting any other religious or ethnic minority (blacks, Jews, Moslems, etc.) it would be banned from public schools - much less actually used in classrooms.
- Implications of Evolution in Morality, Culture, and Society - Evolution has profound implications in the areas of human worth, purpose, and morality.
- Are Atheists and Theists Morally Equivalent? - What moral values do atheists consider to be "very important?"
- Atheism Doesn't Lead to Immoral Behavior or Poor Ethics - Or Does It? In theory doesn't necessarily lead to immoral behavior, but in practice...
- Scientists are Completely Unbiased? They would never put paradigm over data, would they?
- Parasite Ecology and the Evolution of Religion - A paper by Ben Cullen, which argues against Richard Dawkins' "religion as a disease" position, on the grounds that Dawkins has not manipulated neo-Darwinian logic consistently. Cullen argues that Dawkins has erected a highly personal view of religion, which is in complete conflict with both his own selfish gene theories (Dawkins, 1989), and a growing body of parasite research.
- Creation-Evolution-Design Links - Find other good creation/evolution information on the Internet
Related Resources 
The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism
by Michael Behe
Darwin's Black Box author Michael Behe takes on the limits of evolution through an examination of specific genetic examples. Behe finds that mutation and natural selection is capable of generating trivial examples of evolutionary change. Although he concludes that descent with modification has occurred throughout biological history, the molecular devices found throughout nature cannot be accounted for through natural selection and mutation. Behe's book claims to develop a framework for testing intelligent design by defining the principles by which Darwinian evolution can be distinguished from design.
of Evolution
by Jonathan Wells
In this book, biologist Jonathan Wells examines recent college and high school textbooks (from 1998-2000), and shows how they distort the truth about biology, often presenting information that has been falsified by recent scientific studies. Icons refuted include the origin of life (the famous Miller experiment), embryo drawings that were faked, the famous Pepper Moth example of natural selection, which used staged/fake photographs, showing moths on tree trunks, genetically engineered fruit flies, the beak of the finch, archaeopteryx, and much more.
Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, And The Meaning Of Life
by Alister McGrath. According to Francis Collins, Director of the Human Genome
"Wielding evolutionary arguments and carefully chosen metaphors like sharp
swords, Richard Dawkins has emerged over three decades as this generation's most
aggressive promoter of atheism. In his view, science, and science alone,
provides the only rock worth standing on. In this remarkable book, Alister
McGrath challenges Dawkins on the very ground he holds most sacred -- rational
argument -- and McGrath disarms the master. It becomes readily apparent that
Dawkins has aimed his attack at a naive version of faith that most serious
believers would not recognize. After reading this carefully constructed and
eloquently written book, Dawkins’ choice of atheism emerges as the most
irrational of the available choices about God's existence."
A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton
A general discussion of some of the problems associated with macroevolution. It is somewhat outdated, but a good introduction to the overall scope.
Creation: Science, Faith & Intelligent Design
, William A.
Dembski, editor InterVarsity Press (1998), 448 pp.
Nineteen experts trained in mathematics, mechanical engineering,
philosophy, astrophysics, ecology, evolutionary biology, and other
disciplines challenge the reigning ideology of materialistic
naturalism on both scientific and philosophical grounds, as they
press their case for a radical thinking of established evolutionary
How Blind Is the Watchmaker?:
Nature's Design & the Limits of Naturalistic Science
by Neil Broom, William
A. Dembski. This book examines the naturalistic origin of life, along with the intricate complexity of
design in biology, and exposes the weaknesses of the naturalistic
Neo-Darwinian paradigm.
Last Modified August 8, 2012