Evidence for God from Science Newsletter January, 2002
Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest edition of the update for the Evidence for God from Science website. Here is the news and recent additions to the site.
my travels through the Internet, I came across a website called
The Theory of Creation. The author of the site, Jim Schicatano is also the
author of a book,
The Theory of Creation, by the same name. Can the Biblical account of
Creation be reconciled with current scientific beliefs? The
The Theory of Creation addresses that very question. Rather than
denounce other theories or repudiate accepted scientific beliefs, Jim Schicatano
has chosen to produce a comprehensive and objective analysis of the first story
of the Bible (Genesis 1:1-2:4). Each verse is carefully examined for its
scientific meaning, the original Hebrew text is often referenced, popular
theories are explored, and the purpose and implications of God's actions are
addressed. Finally, the Biblical account of creation is compared to the
scientific record.
The Theory of Creation will take you on a wondrous journey through time
and space - from the explosive birth of our universe in the Big Bang, through
the violent chaotic formation of planet Earth, to the creation of all life here
- culminating in the creation of man. You will be presented with the Biblical
Creation story from the perspective of science with an emphasis on God's plans
for humanity and the purpose in His Creation.
The Theory of Creation answers many of the enduring questions of
science, and it is the author's hope that it is a source of inspiration for
believers everywhere. More information can be obtained from the website:
The Theory of Creation Website
http://www.The TheoryofCreation.com
A good overview of the book can be found at the Y-files website:
The Theory of Creation
Action Alert
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who is "in bed" with the pro-abortion lobby, as evidenced by speeches to groups such as NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League), has begun a campaign to harass crisis pregnancy centers in New York. His office has issued subpoenas to New York City crisis pregnancy centers, requiring them to provide copies of all advertisements, web site addresses, services provided, staff who provide the services, training materials, blank forms, records of all agreements made, and a list of all persons who received any service from the clinics before Feb. 1, 2002. Basically, Mr. Spitzer is on a fishing expedition to attempt to shut down crisis pregnancy centers. I have contacted Mr. Spitzer through e-mail, but have not received a response (other than a form e-mail acknowledging receipt of the e-mail), so I would like to enlist your help. Please consider sending a message to Mr. Spitzer. Example questions are already typed into the comments form, so it won't take much of your time. It would especially be helpful if you live in the state of New York. There is also a link to the ACLJ, the legal organization that is defending the CPCs. Please consider supporting their efforts. More information and links can be found in the page below.
New York Attorney General
Attacks Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Answers for Atheists
A new page examines some of the fallacies that atheists commit when they claim that the presence of evil and suffering in the world prohibits the existence of God. Thanks to Russell Pittman for sending this e-mail.
Professor Teaches About Evil and Christianity
Jim Schicatano, the author of a book, The Theory of Creation, presents a short paper on scientific and theological parameters involved in the origin of life.
Origin of Life on Planet Earth
Doctrine and Theology
Since the events of September 11, 2001, numerous people have asked me if I think we are in the last days before the return of Jesus Christ. This page discusses some of my thoughts and where I think we might be headed. It is somewhat speculative, but does present a scenario that I think might lead to the events surrounding the great tribulation.
How Close are
the End Times?
A classic e-mail that has been circulating for a few months is called My Attorney. It involves a hypothetical trial in heaven, where a Christian is being tried by the prosecutor (Satan) and defended by his Attorney before the Great Judge.
My Attorney
God's Love
Tiger Under the Big Tent is not a circus story (although it seemed to be so at the time), but a story about one of God's lessons to me about His love. Tiger is a cat, who was in danger of perishing "under the big tent" while his owners (our family) frantically searched for him. Experiences such as these can teach us how frustrated God must be in trying to reach some of His children about their perilous circumstances.
Tiger Under the Big
Young Earth Creationism
I have had a number of comments on my article, The Genesis Flood- Why the Bible Says It Must be Local. The most important part of the article concerns the verse Psalms 104:9, which states that the original waters of creation would "never again cover the earth." Obviously, if this verse really refers to the original creation, then the Genesis flood must have been a local event. A number of young earth creationists have contacted me claiming that Psalms 104:6-9 refers to the flood and not the original creation. The paper examines the issue in depth, including other creation verses from the Bible, figures of speech used in the passage that obviously refer to the original creation, and what the commentaries say (most of which were written by young earth creationists).
Psalms 104:9 -
Does it refer to the Original Creation or the Flood?
Thanks to the generous donation of Kurt Kawohl, the discussion board has been upgraded. The revised board allows user self-registration, editing of posts after posting, spell checking, and more. Be sure to say "Hi" to our atheist friends, Jimmy Higgins and Wobbliebob, and put in a good word for Jesus.
Evidence for God from
Science Discussion Board
This and previous newsletters are now available online. Go to the URL below to read the current and past e-mail newsletters:
Those are the most recent updates and changes since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool."
GodAndScience.org respects your privacy and online time and plans to send updates no more frequently than once every two months. If you wish to be removed from this list, click the link at the bottom of this page.
Evidence for God from Science
Website: http://www.GodAndScience.org/
Last Modified January 18, 2002