Evidence for God from Science Newsletter April, 2002
Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest edition of the update for the Evidence for God from Science website. Here is the news and recent additions to the site.
recently came across a great site dedicated to examining the issues of
intelligent design from a Christian perspective. The "Intelligent
Design and Evolution Awareness (IDEA) Center" is a recently formed
non-profit organization dedicated to promoting intelligent design theory,
focusing on students and educators. The Center grew out of the student-founded
IDEA Club at UC San Diego, with the philosophy to promote intelligent design in
a friendly and respectful manner, where anyone feels free to express their
personal views, but those of a dissenting view are challenged. The Center is
explicitly Christian-affiliated, although intelligent design theory is a
scientific theory with a secular basis.
The IDEA Center hopes to reach out to many different members of the community, including students, educators, churches, professionals, scientists, and interested community groups. A major part of their mission is to help students plant student-run "IDEA Club Chapters" at high schools and universities. IDEA Clubs will challenge students intellectually by exposing them to intelligent design theory, and challenge them spiritually by showing how it strengthens a Christian worldview, and allowing for good-spirited discussion over issues related to creation - evolution and apologetics. Chapters are already established or planned at a variety of schools around the country, although the Center is currently actively seeking students at high schools and universities interested in founding new IDEA Club chapters. The Center is also teaching classes on intelligent design and speaking to students at both public and private schools on problems with evolutionary theory, and evidence for intelligent design.
For more information on the Center or to find out how the Center can serve your school, church, or community group, please visit the website at "www.ideacenter.org" or e-mail "info@ideacenter.org".
New Website
I am redoing the entire Evidence for God from Science website on another sever, which has been consuming much of my time. The site is nearly complete and features updates to many pages. As part of the loyal readership, you will get to test the new site first (the search engines don't even know about it yet). Some of the new features include:
- Improved graphics
- Consistent look and feel
- Improved site navigation
- More logically organized
- Updated links
- Send a page by e-mail (very cool!)
The new site will become official sometime in April. Click below to take a look. Let me know what you think. Thanks to Scott Brisbane for his help with the design of the new site.
Doctrine and Theology
In response to several questions about end time, the great tribulation, and the coming judgment, I have written a piece about the wrath of God and who will go through it. The page discusses the differences between the great tribulation (persecution perpetrated against the people of God) and the wrath of God (the righteous judgment of God executed against the ungoldly).
Will Christians
Suffer the Wrath of God?
I have received a number of e-mails from Christians who believe that the King
James version of the English Bible is the only version that Christians should
read. A new page points out that the translators of the King James version did
their work to provide a Bible that was readable in the common language of the
time. If they were alive today, they probably wouldn't even recommend their own
translation for the common folk. The page contains links to a number of other
sites that have more information for those who want to know more about the King
James only controversy.
Is the
King James Version the Only Bible that a Christian Should Read?
Paul Newcum has recently joined Evidence for God from Science and has written a page on the names of God from the Old and New Testaments. Paul also has his own website, YouGodLoves.org. Take a look at Paul's page and site, and consider saying "hi" to him.
God's Names
speak to & reveal God's Identity, Constitution, Nature, Character, Essence
What do you do when a company makes a $1,200 error in your favor and you know that there is no way that they will ever find out. I was recently confronted with this issue in which I did the "Christian thing," despite being encouraged to do nothing and take the windfall. In the end, everyone was blessed...
You aren't
going to do some Christian thing, are you?
God's Love
God expects us to love Him and others. Why does God tell us, therefore in the New Testament, "I am writing a new commandment to you"? The same law is proclaimed in the Old Testament. How could it be "new?"
The New Commandment That
is Old
This and previous newsletters are now available online. Go to the URL below to read the current and past e-mail newsletters:
Those are the most recent updates and changes since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)
GodAndScience.org respects your privacy and online time and plans to send updates no more frequently than once every two months. If you wish to be removed from this list, click the link at the bottom of this page.
If you can receive e-mails, but have difficulty getting online, e-mail us with the page you would like sent to you and we will do our best to get it out to you in a timely manner.
Evidence for God from Science
Website: http://www.GodAndScience.org/
Last Modified April 5, 2002