Evidence for God from Science Newsletter October, 2003

Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest edition of the update for the Evidence for God website. Welcome to our new subscribers. This update is somewhat abbreviated, due to preparation for the upcoming lecture, Testing the Creation Model of the LDS Church.



Terri Schiavo, sentenced to death by Florida judge George Greer, has been given a reprieve by the Florida legislature. The Florida House and Senate both passed emergency legislation ordering that she be fed. The original order by the judge had set a dangerous precedent by declaring that certain lives were unworthy of continuing.

Authenticity of the Bible

A new study in the respected scientific journal Nature examined the biblical claim that Hezekiah had built the Siloam Tunnel during his reign (between 727 B.C. and 698 B.C.). Skeptics had claimed that the tunnel was built in the second century B.C. The carbon-14 date placed the date of plants embedded in the plaster of the tunnel between 800 and 700 B.C - exactly what the Bible said.

     Hezekiah's Siloam Tunnel Confirmed Through C-14 Dating

Aberrant Theology

This year for my lecture at the Center for Research in the Sciences (CRIS) at Azusa Pacific University, I will be presenting Testing the Creation Model of the LDS Church. If you are in Southern California, you can attend the lecture this Wednesday, October 22 at 7:30 pm.

The page that discusses archeological and anthropological contradictions in the Book of Mormon has been updated and rewritten. In addition to the new research, the page contains many graphics that depict the true nature of ancient cultures in the Americas.

     Archeological/Anthropological Problems in the Book of Mormon

The lecture that examines the LDS creation model is available online. Find out how different LDS theology is compared to orthodox Christianity. For example:

     Testing the Creation Model of the LDS Church


A couple new pages are offered in the humor section. Warning: these pages may not be humorous for atheists

     Jonah and the Teacher

     Little Old Lady and the Atheist

A list of new pages can always be found at:


Newsletter Info

This and previous newsletters are available online. Go to the URL below to read the current and past updates:


Those are the most recent updates and changes since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.” (Proverbs 30:5-6)

In Christ,
Rich Deem

Evidence for God from Science respects your privacy and online time and plans to send updates no more frequently than about once every two months. Subscription information is available online (http://www.GodAndScience.org/newsletter.html).

If you can receive e-mails, but have difficulty getting online, e-mail us with the page you would like to have sent to you and we will do our best to get it out to you in a timely manner (Please specify "plain text" or "HTML text").

Evidence for God from Science
Website: http://www.GodAndScience.org/

Last Modified October 22, 2003


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