Evidence for God from Science Newsletter December, 2007
Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest update for the Evidence for God website. Welcome to our new subscribers.
Contents (scroll down for descriptions)
- News
- Reviews
- Answers for Atheists
- Design vs. Evolution
For those who have been following my wife Carole's medical condition, we got some good news lately. Carole was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in September, 1996 and given 3-7 years to live. She received radiation therapy in 1997, and had been untreated until 2005. At that time, it was found that the tumor was growing, so chemotherapy was begun. Earlier this year, a local area of tumor growth was discovered, and the chemotherapy drug was changed. The local growth disappeared, and in the latest MRI, the area surrounding the new growth had actually decreased in size. We have been trusting God with Carole's life and praise Him for the good news. Thank you for your prayers!
Lennox, professor of mathematics and philosophy of science at Oxford University
has written a non-technical book in reply to the New Atheists, which addresses the question of
intelligent design in the universe. Lennox's background is readily seen in his
writing, which primarily consists of philosophical arguments against many of the
claims by atheists such as Richard Dawkins. Lennox records some amazing admissions by secular scientists.
As a professor of mathematics, Lennox's best writing deals with the origin of
the genetic code and information. More...
Book Review: God's
Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?
I don't usually review movies, since they generally do not have anything to do with content of the God and Science website. However, the site does deal with the abortion debate, cloning, and stem cell research. When browsing the Internet, prolife reviews of Bella were quite positive, although for the most part, secular critics didn't seem to like it. Since the movie was not playing in my area, I determined I would wait until it appeared on DVD. However, the movie started doing well at the box office and finally came to a theatre near me, so I decided to go, and I am glad I did. More...
Bella Movie Review
The author of the original His Dark Materials trilogy specifically wrote The Golden Compass books and others in the His Dark Materials trilogy as a means to "undermine the basis of Christian belief" among children. Although the movie is not as blatant in it's anti-Christian rhetoric as the book series, future renditions, if produced, would certainly be more anti-Christian. For such reasons, Christians should not take their children to these movies or encourage them to read His Dark Materials books. More...
The Golden Compass
Movie Review: Why Christians Should Boycott This Movie
When Hollywood typically gets a hold of a book, it tends to have its religious content removed or altered when produced as a movie. The book I am Legend has no significant spiritual content. However, the movie I am Legend has been Christianized by Hollywood! Who would have ever thought such a thing was possible? More...
I am Legend
Movie Review: Legend becomes Christianized
Answers for Atheists
The Jealous God
I received an email from a skeptic asking why, if God is a jealous God, that doesn't make Him the divine hypocrite. Of course, the Old Testament states a number of times that God is jealous, and even says that His name is "Jealous." If jealousy is a sin, doesn't that make God a sinner? More...
If God is Jealous Doesn't
That Make Him the Divine Hypocrite?
Self-righteous Christians
Although many who claim to be Christians act as if they are better than everybody else, such a "holier-than-thou" attitude is antithetical to biblical Christianity. Jesus said that we should not practice our righteousness before others to get noticed, and the apostle Paul clearly stated that we should not boast in our own righteousness, but in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. More...
Self-righteous Christians: Is This the Norm?
Christians & politics
A slew of books by "evangelical" atheists have claimed that Christianity is a threat to American democracy. Are radical Christians poised to take over the U.S. political system and turn it into a Christian theocracy? Are Christians to be involved in politics according to the Bible? More...
The Threat of Radical Christianity: Christians are Involved Too Much in
God's chosen people
The first book of the Bible, Genesis, says that God chose Abraham to make into a great nation. The descendants of Abraham, the Jews, would establish the nation of Israel to become a people of God's own possession. Doesn't this preferential treatment contradict the benevolent nature of God? How can God be perfect and preferential at the same time? More...
God's Chosen People,
the Jews: Isn't God Unfair in Showing Such Preference?
Design vs. Evolution
Earth's Moon
Opponents of intelligent design say that claims of design amount to a God of the gaps argument, since scientists do not yet have answers for the apparent design of the universe. If the skeptics of intelligent design are correct, then science should be finding that we do not occupy any special place in the universe. However, a new study disputes the idea that earth's moon is just an ordinary moon. More...
Moons Like Earth's
Moon are Rare in the Universe
Articles in Preparation
- Molecular Biology Primer: All About DNA
- Why Overlapping Genes Discredit Neo Darwinism (Mutation and Natural Selection)
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May God bless your Christmas. "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14)
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Evidence for God from Science
Last Modified December 21, 2007