Evidence for God from Science Newsletter August, 2008
Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest update for the Evidence for God website. Welcome to our new subscribers.
- News
- Reviews
- Answers for Atheists
- Biblical Authenticity
Our family went on vacation to Northern California and visited Lassen, Lava Beds, and Redwood parks. God's majesty and power are amply demonstrated in these parts of His creation. We were witnesses to impressive examples of God's continent building through volcanic activity, reinforcing the conclusions of this month's major article on the role of "natural evil" in God's creation. Also during the writing of this article, Los Angeles experienced its strongest earthquake since 1994. Is all this "natural evil" really "gratuitous," as the atheists claim, or does it serve vital functions in the design of the earth?
The Faith
the general public, at least to those old (or historically literate) enough to
remember, the name, “Chuck Colson” conjures images of politics, the Nixon
presidency, the Watergate scandal and prison. To most believers, however, Colson
is best known for his first book,
Born Again, his radio broadcast,
BreakPoint, his internationally renown
Prison Fellowship, and the numerous subsequent theological best sellers that
followed his dramatic conversion in the 1970’s that come. Co-authored by Harold
Fickett, this latest book,
The Faith, will no doubt be added to the list of contributions he will
be best known for. It is one of his most in depth works to date in this call to
bring the church back to its roots of Biblical orthodoxy and the tenets of the
Christian faith. Patty Mondore is back, reviewing Colson's latest book. More...
Book Review: The Faith:
What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters by Charles
Greater Than You Think
D. Williams, holding advanced degrees in Philosophy and Moral Theology, has
written a book,
Greater Than You Think, that primarily takes aim at the theology
presented in books by atheists Richard Dawkins (The God
Sam Harris (The End of Faith) and Christopher Hitchens (God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything).
Being a theologian, Williams delights in showing how Dawkins and Hitchens seem
to know almost nothing about Christian theology - instead, inventing a straw
divinity in the place of the real God of Christianity. In addition, instead
of citing real scientific evidence to support their claims, the new atheists
rely upon anecdotes and the antics of fringe believers to "show" how messed
up religion really is. More...
Book Review: Greater
Than You Think: A Theologian Answers the Atheists About God
Soul Wisdom?
I don't usually review books on New Age or Eastern spirituality, but
since Simon & Schuster sent me an unsolicited copy of Soul Wisdom,
I figured I would take a look. The first sentence caught my attention: "The
purpose of life is to serve." I thought that this book might be different
from the usual "do this and you will get what you want" approach of most
spirituality books. However, to my disappointment, instead of advocating
true service to humanity, this book says that you can provide "universal
service" merely by chanting and getting "Divine Downloads" by reading the
book. Not only that, but you can make yourself well and get all the money
you need using the same technique. Of course, since this is a book series on
"Soul Power," the author will probably benefit financially through
all those "downloads." More...
Book Review: Soul Wisdom: Practical Soul Treasures to Transform Your Life by Zhi Gang Sha
Answers for Atheists
Natural evil & God
In answering an email about the reasons why genetic diseases would exist in God's creation, I ended up spending a month to expand the essay to address all forms of "natural evil." Atheists claim that if God existed that He would not design a world that contains killer hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, fires, and tsunamis and that those things represent the workings of an indifferent, indiscriminately cruel world - not one created by a loving God. What atheists fail to realize is that all the "bad" things of this world are absolutely required for sentient life to exist at all. Eliminating all natural evil would result in a universe remarkably similar to the Bible's description of heaven. More...
Where is God When Bad Things Happen? Why Natural Evil Must Exist
Biblical Authenticity
Gabriel's Vision
The recent translation of a first century B.C. stone tablet discovered a decade ago near the Dead Sea in Jordan is causing a stir in archeological and biblical circles. The stone, although unreadable in part, is an apocalyptic description attributed to the angel Gabriel, which clearly makes references to the Messiah and a command from Gabriel that the Messiah live after three days, a probable reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. More...
Gabriel's Vision Stone Tablet: Prophecy of the Coming Messiah Jesus?
Seal of Gedaliah
The Bible says that Jeremiah was a prophet of the Lord, called from the womb to speak for God. As a youth, he began to preach of God's impending judgment on the Hebrews. Did Jeremiah really exist and was he persecuted for foretelling of God's coming judgment. The discovery of the seal of Gedaliah, Son of Pashur confirms the existence of one of Jeremiah's accusers. More...
Seal of Gedaliah, Son of
Pashur, Confirms the Existence of One of Jeremiah's Persecutors
Articles in Preparation
- Why Overlapping Genes Discredit Neo Darwinism (Mutation and Natural Selection)
- The Origin of Homochirality: A Major Problem for Origin of Life Theories
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Those are the most recent updates and changes since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:4-7)
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Evidence for God from Science
Last Modified August 28, 2008