Evidence for God from Science Newsletter June, 2011
Greetings in the name of the Lord! This is the latest update for the Evidence for God website. Welcome to our new subscribers.
- News
- Reviews
- Christian theology
- Aberrant theology
has instituted another attempt at social networking by beginning to
acknowledge recommended pages in a feature called "Plus One." If you have a
Google account, click on the Plus One icon to recommend the page to others.
So, we encourage you to click the Plus One icon on pages of our website that
you recommend to others. Thank you for helping he ministry!
Boycott Amazon. In other news, California has signed a bill yesterday requiring all Internet sales companies to collect sales tax. Amazon has retaliated by cutting off all sales associates in California (including God and Science) from collecting referral fees for purchased items. As a result, the site will no longer be receiving revenue to help pay the yearly $600 hosting costs. So, I am going to encourage all of you to boycott Amazon.com and let them know why you are doing so. You can close your Amazon account by clicking here. If you do so, please let them know why.
God is Not "Fair"
God is not fair! It is the common complaint for the majority of people undergoing
intense suffering or loss. If this describes you or if you are still struggling
with life's unfairness that happened to you many years ago, Joel Freeman's book
God Is Not "Fair"
is for you. Written from Dr. Freeman's perspective of being a pastor with a
Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling,
God Is Not "Fair" examines the question of suffering from
both the Bible and personal experience. More...
God is Not "Fair" Book Review
Movie Reviews
Chaffin has reviewed three more Christian movies,
including Miracle of the Widow,
Without a Father and Jerusalem Countdown. More...
Christian Movie Reviews and Critiques
Christian theology
Eternal Security
For the past ten years or so I have been asked on a regular basis to do an article on eternal security. I have been aware for some time that Google search results are highly skewed to prioritize articles from those who advocate that we have no security of our salvation. I hesitated to do such an article, because it required not only presenting the evidence for eternal security, but also rebutting all the claims of eternal security deniers. The resulting article took over a month to finish and lists more than 400 verses related to eternal security and three dozen verses eternal security deniers claim show one can lose his salvation. I highly recommend reading the article, since it will encourage your faith and give you an appreciation of God's promises and provisions for our salvation. Don't skip through the lists of verses - there are some real gems there! More...
Once Saved Always Saved? Eternal Security of the Believer
Christian suicide?
I got a request from a Christian asking what happens to Christians who kill themselves. One is sometimes hesitant to provide an answer to someone who might be considering suicide. Although suicide is not within the will of God, the act of suicide, like any other sin, does not automatically disqualify a person from heaven. More...
What Happens to Christians Who Commit Suicide? Do They Go To Heaven or Hell?
Aberrant theology
Judging the Sabbath
Seventh Day Adventist and current Wycliffe Bible translator Wesley Ringer
has written a 51 page review of Judging the Sabbath. In this book,
Ron du Preez claims that the Sabbath mentioned in Colossians
2:16 refer to annual sabbaths, rather than the weekly Sabbath, allowing
Seventh Day Adventists to assert that the monthly new moons and the yearly
feasts or appointed times that God gave to Israel indeed foreshadowed the
reality that Christ would bring, while insisting that Paul was speaking of a
yearly ceremonial Sabbath like the Day of Atonement. This allows them to
maintain that the weekly Sabbath was given before man sinned and therefore
cannot foreshadow the salvation from sin that Christ would bring. Since the
weekly Sabbath is not a shadow of Christ, it must still be kept today. Mr.
Ringer's in-depth analysis of the text, along with the what the Old and New
Testaments say about the Sabbaths, show this not to be the case, which is
why Christians are free to celebrate the Lord's day on Sunday or any other
day of the week without condemnation. More...
A Review of Judging the Sabbath by Ron du Preez
Articles in Preparation
- Why Overlapping Genes Discredit Neo Darwinism (Mutation and Natural Selection)
- Why the Denisova DNA Sequence is a Problem for Young Earth Creationists and Evolutionists
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Those are the most recent updates and changes since the last e-mail update. If you would like to see anything in particular at Evidence for God from Science, let me know. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him." (1 John 3:1)
Evidence for God from Science respects your privacy and online time and plans to send updates no more frequently than about once every two months. Subscription information is available online.
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Evidence for God from Science
Last Modified June 30, 2011