Old Earth Creation: Science and Theology
A primary complaint of atheists is that the Bible "says" that the Earth and the universe is only ~6,000 years old. In reality, the Bible gives no date for the creation of the universe, but implies that the creation days were long periods of time and that modern human beings have been receiving God's law for over 40,000 years. Although young earth creationism is the primary creation theology in the U.S., it suffers from numerous scriptural and scientific problems. In contrast, old earth theology presents a consistent interpretation of all the Bible's creation passages, including Genesis one. Join us in studying what the Bible and science have to say about God's creation...
- If God Created Everything, Who Created God? Why God doesn't need a super-god creator
- Genesis One and the Age of the Earth: What does the Bible say? - Young earth myths about what the meaning of Genesis one really says are exposed in this article by Rodney Whitefield.
- Creationary Model for the Universe and Life on Earth - a creationary, scientific model for the universe and life within it
- Science and the Bible: Does the Bible Contradict Scientific Principles?- Scientific principles first explained in the Bible
- In the Beginning... Biblical Creation Models - An overview of the major creation biblical models
- A Biblical Case for Old-Earth Creationism - Are old earth creationists just a bunch of compromisers who ignore scripture? Jon Greene explains why old earth creationism flows naturally from the biblical texts.
- The Literal Interpretation of the Genesis One Creation Account - A literal interpretation of Genesis one solely from scripture leads us to conclude that the days were long periods of time
- Day-Age Genesis One Interpretation - A scripturally- and scientifically-accurate model for the creation of the universe and earth and life on it
- Biblical Defense of Long Creation Days - Answers questions that young-earth creationists have about the day-age interpretation of Genesis - using biblical support
- Biblical Evidence for Long Creation Days - Why the Bible indicates that the "days" are longer than 24 hours
- The Genesis Flood- Why the Bible Says It Must be Local
- Psalm 104-9 - Does it refer to the Original Creation or the Flood? - The concept of a global Genesis flood can be easily eliminated from a plain reading of Psalm 104
- Genesis 6-9- The Flood
- Is the Biblical Flood Account a Modified Copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh? (PDF version )
- Progressive Creation- An Overview by Dale Tooley
- The 'Gap' Creation Model - Scriptural and scientific problems
- Dinosaurs and the Bible: Why Aren't They Mentioned?
- Doesn't Genesis One Contradict Genesis Two?
- Out of Africa or Out of Eden: Does Science Contradict the Bible? New data suggests an explanation for the apparent contradiction.
- Must Human Evolution Contradict Genesis? by Dennis Bonnette - Does an intellectual Christian need to reject Genesis?
- The Genesis Genealogies - Do the biblical genealogies require a young earth interpretation? by Dr. John Millam
Book Reviews
- Book Review: More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation by Hugh Ross
- Book Review: Why the Universe Is the Way It Is by Hugh Ross
- Book Review: The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry
- Book Review: Creation As Science: A Testable Model Approach to End the Creation/evolution Wars
- Book Review: Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth
- Book Review: Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man
- Book Review: Origin of the Human Species
More Biblical Creation
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Reasons To Believe's third in a series of books proposing a testable creation model takes on the origin and design of the universe. Previous books, Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off and Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man, examined the origin of life on earth and the origin of mankind, respectively. Creation As Science develops a biblical creation model and compares the predictions of this model compared to a naturalistic model, young earth creationism, and theistic evolution. This biblical creation model is divided into four main areas, the origin of the universe, the origin of the Solar System, the history of life on earth, and the origin and history of mankind. More...
Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth by Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D. goes beyond the superficial doctrines espoused by the young earth "perfect paradise" paradigm to examine underlying assumptions and extra-biblical teachings of the movement. Peril in Paradise examines verses cited as support for the perfect paradise paradigm in context to determine their actual meaning. In addition, the book compares the perfect paradise paradigm to the perfect purpose paradigm proposed by old earth creationists. Since the book sticks to the scriptures almost exclusively, it cannot be claimed that old earth creationists ignore the scriptures in preference to "fallible science." More...
A Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy by Hugh Ross examines the biblical creation controversy through an in-depth study of history, theology, and science through a testable creation model that proposes a mechanism to settle this raging dispute.
A New Look at an Old Earth by Don Stoner
Don Stoner looks at the age of the earth from a scientific and biblical perspective. He presents much more evidence that is not presented in A Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy.
The older version of A New Look at an Old Earth is available online
Last Modified October 9, 2012