Recommended Christian Apologetics Books and Resources
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My Favorite Book:
by Bruce Olson (A riveting true story with appeal for both Christians and
An excerpt:
...I ran straight into some vines, tripped, and fell flat
on my face, scrambled up, and got tangled in the vines again. Then a
searing pain bit into my thigh, and my whole body went limp. I fell.
Everything seemed to move slowly - even my huge gulping
breaths. I looked down at my thigh. A long shaft was sticking out of it,
with a neat little punch-hole where the arrow had gone in. The hole was a
bright red from the blood, my blood, oozing out and down my leg. I
couldn't take my eyes off the arrow. It seemed unreal. It had to be
sticking out from someone else's leg. But it wasn't.
Then I looked up, and my heart almost stopped. I was
encircled by dark-skinned, naked men, with huge bows drawn taut. Nine
little dots of arrowheads pointed right at me. I forgot about my leg.
"Don't shoot, don't!" I said in Yuko, pleading also
with my eyes. Their eyes, like little black chunks of coal, made no
response. Their arms did not relax their bows.
"Oh please," I said in Spanish, "I come as a friend.
"Friend," I said in Latin.
Without taking their eyes off of me, they removed the arrows
from their bows. One of the men walked over to me. I cowered. He reached
down to my leg and grasped the arrow by the shaft. Putting his foot on my
thigh, he yanked out the arrow. I saw little red, dancing stars. I
couldn't breathe. I looked down at my leg and saw a bit of my muscle
trailing in the blood from where the arrow had been pulled out. Every
second the pain seemed to be more than I could stand, and then
unbelievably, it got worse... |
And you thought you had it bad in your witnessing attempts!
For the Non-Christian:
Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe by Peter D. Ward
and Donald Brownlee
A recent (2000) secular book that recognizes the improbable design of
the earth. Paleontologist Peter D. Ward and astrobiologist Donald
Brownlee examine the unusual characteristics of our galaxy, solar
system, star, and Earth and conclude that ET may have no home to go to.
Surprisingly, the authors conclude that the amazing
"coincidences" are the result of good luck and chance.
in their Hearts by Don Richardson
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity
in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from
beginning to end (Esslessiastes 3:11, italics added).
Don Richardson presents documented evidence from hundreds of
primitive cultures from around the world that God, indeed, has put
eternity into the hearts of men.
Christianity by C.S.
The classic work of C.S.
Lewis, a former atheist, who logically describes why Christianity is
logical and how right and wrong give us a clue as to the meaning of the
For the Christian
Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
An excellent story of the hazards associated with the Christian walk.
A must-read for all Christians. There are several recent versions that
have been geared toward the younger readers. Our boys have really
enjoyed these, often listening for hours.
Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin - an excellent guide to
Christian and non-Christian cults and how to witness to people involved
in them.
That Demands a Verdict : Historical Evidences for the Christian Faith
by Josh McDowell
The definitive book of Christian apologetics. It effectively refutes
much of the higher criticism and contemporary "scholarship."
Book of Martyrs by John Foxe.
First published in 1554, the book chronicles the history of the
lives, sufferings and triumphant deaths of the early Christian martyrs.
His Presence video.
Although this is not a book, it is one of the best resources for
Christians who would like to take a break from the garbage in the world.
The incredible photography, excellent script with numerous promises from
God's word, and great contemporary and classic Christian music will
inspire and encourage your soul. Highly Recommended!
For Kids
Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
A classic book of adventure, mystery and humor, with deeper meaning for
those who are Christian. If you start reading these books to your kids,
they won't let you stop reading (and you will probably continue
reading after your kids have fallen asleep!). Lewis' style allows you to
"see" the story as it unfolds. The intricacies and subtleties
are all come together in the last two books of the series.
Pilgrim's Progress by Helen L. Taylor
The children's version of John Bunyan's classic story of the hazards
associated with the Christian walk. An easy-to-understand version geared
toward the younger readers. Our boys have really enjoyed this version,
often listening for hours.
Science and Apologetics
the Cosmos by Dr.
Hugh Ross
An excellent look at some of the more controversial theological
aspects of Christianity. This book will encourage your faith and expand
your understanding and appreciation of God's majesty.
Creator and the Cosmos by Dr.
Hugh Ross
A classic book for modern Christian apologetics and science. Dr. Ross
presents the latest scientific evidence for intelligent design of our
world and an easy to understand introduction to modern cosmology. This
is a great book to give agnostics, who have an interest in cosmology and
Genesis Question by Dr.
Hugh Ross
This latest book by Dr. Ross presents a response to popular
skepticism about the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which account for
the vast majority of challenges to the credibility of Christianity. With
careful integration of the scientific and theological data, Dr. Ross
explains how the ongoing research into the origin and development of the
universe, Earth, plant life, animal life, humans, and human civilization
match our best understanding of the Hebrew texts. The book describes in
colorful detail the highlights of each creation day. It demonstrates the
consistency of the Genesis 1 and 2 creation accounts. It offers answers
to questions about:
- Adam and Eve
- Cain's wife and city
- long life spans
- the rapid increase of knowledge and wickedness
- the purpose and extent of the Genesis flood
- Noah's ark and its passengers
- the rise of post-Flood civilization
- Babel and the dispersion of humanity
- the "dividing of the Earth in the days of Peleg"
The Creation Date Controversy
Peril in Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth
by Mark S. Whorton, Ph.D. goes beyond the superficial doctrines
espoused by the young earth "perfect paradise" paradigm to examine underlying assumptions and extra-biblical teachings
of the movement.
Peril in Paradise
examines verses cited as support for the perfect paradise paradigm in
context to determine their actual meaning. In addition, the book compares the
perfect paradise paradigm to the perfect purpose paradigm proposed by old earth
creationists. Since the book sticks to the scriptures almost exclusively, it
cannot be claimed that old earth creationists ignore the scriptures in
preference to "fallible science."
Genesis Debate : Three teams of evangelical scholars tackle the
question of how God created the universe by presenting and defending their
respective views in a lively, yet friendly, forum. J. Ligon Duncan III and
David W. Hall defend the view that the Genesis creation days are six,
sequential days, each 24 hours long (the 24-hour view). Hugh Ross and
Gleason L. Archer defend the view that the Genesis creation days are six
sequential ages of time of unspecified but finite duration (the day-age
view). And Lee Irons with Meredith G. Kline defend the view that the
Genesis creation days are presented as normal days, but that the picture
of God's creating in six days and resting on the seventh is figurative
(the Framework view).
Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy by Hugh Ross examines the
biblical creation controversy through an in-depth study of history,
theology, and science through a testable creation model that proposes a
mechanism to settle this raging dispute.
New Look at an Old Earth by Don
Don Stoner looks at the age of the earth from a scientific and biblical
perspective. He presents much more evidence that is not presented in Creation
and Time.
The older version of A
New Look at an Old Earth is available online |
Black Box by Michael Behe
Darwin's Black Box discusses the problems associated with
macroevolution at the level of biochemistry and molecular biology.
A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton
A general discussion of some of the problems associated with
macroevolution. It is somewhat outdated, but a good introduction to the
overall scope. |