Religion is Stupid
Is religion stupid? Christians are often characterized as ignorant people who believe whatever they are told by their church. Faith is thought of as something that one believes blindly - with no supporting evidence. Are religious people more stupid than atheists? Why are more scientists atheists than are found in the general population?
Answers to criticisms
Why are Christians So Stupid? - Does the Bible Teach Blind Faith? - Doesn't the Bible tell people to believe despite the evidence to the contrary?
Religion vs. IQ - Are Religious People Stupid? - Or is it really a question of GDP per capita vs. IQ?
Why Didn't Albert Einstein Believe in a Personal God? Don't get caught up in his simple logical error.
Why are Most Scientists Atheists If There is Evidence for Belief in God? Is their unbelief due to their intelligence, knowledge and academic studies or other factors?
People of Faith - Famous Scientists - Scientists don't really believe in God, do they?
- Scientists of the Christian Faith: A Presentation of the Pioneers, Practitioners and Supporters of Modern Science Compiled by W. R. Miller (off site)
People of Faith - Astronauts
- Christianity Aiding the Development of Science (by Ben Clausen, off site)
- Science and Faith Associations - Yes, there are scientists today who believe in God
Reason And Faith by Van Fisher
- God and Logic (by Craig S. Hawkins, off site)
God has Not Revealed Himself to Me, So He Must Not Exist
100% Convinced vs. 100% Committed - I cannot believe until I am 100% convinced! Do you use this standard for everything else you believe?
More Answers
Last Modified May 18, 2011