Criticisms of God on the Basis of the Existence of Evil and Suffering
The God of the Bible is supposed to be both loving and all-powerful. Despite these characteristics, God seems to be unable or unwilling to prevent the vast amount of evil and suffering in the world. Why would God allow natural and moral evil into His creation? Are the skeptics correct in saying that a loving God would never allow evil to exist?
Answers to criticisms
- There is Too Much Evil and Suffering For God to Exist? - Why moral evil fulfills the purposes of God
- Where is God When Bad Things Happen? Why Natural Evil Must Exist - Contrary to skeptical claims, nearly all "natural evil" is required for life to exist at all.
- Is it Possible for God to Provide 'Partial Free Will' and Eliminate All Evil? - A practical examination of the possibility of eliminating evil, while still allowing free will
- Haiti Earthquake Kills Over 200,000: Where was God? Was God missing in action or was the death toll caused by human sin?
- Where was God During the World Trade Center Attack? - Wouldn't a loving God have prevented such evil?
- Southeast Asia Earthquake and Tsunami- Where was God? - Are atheistic alternatives to the earth's design reasonable?
- The Professor Teaches About Evil and Christianity - A lesson why evil is not created by God, even though God created all things.
- Did God Create Evil - Does the Bible Say So? The good old King James Version Bible says so, so it must be true!
Original Sin - Are We Condemned by the Sin of Adam and Eve? It obviously would not be fair if we are all condemned because of what our ancient ancestors did.
- If God Existed, Prayer Would Have Brought World Peace? Surely a benevolent God would have granted world peace by now?
More Answers
Last Modified February 14, 2010