Debunking Dawkins: The God Delusion

Dawkins has stepped out of his usual area of expertise, biological
evolution, and has attempted to become atheism's greatest apologist.
Unfortunately, like so many other atheists, he picks out the easy
targets with blinders fully engaged, to avoid having to deal with
any serious challenges to his beliefs. Yes, I did use the "b" word,
since Dawkins actively promotes the belief that there is no God
(hence the title) and that atheists should "come out" of the closet
and exhibit abundant "atheist pride." Dawkins seems to be "preaching
to the choir," since the vast majority of his apologetics is either
old and refuted or strawman in nature. This is a series of articles
debunking the atheistic apologetics of The God Delusion. Click on each
chapter link for more details.
- A Deeply Religious Non-Believer
The God Hypothesis
Arguments For God's Existence
- Thomas Aquinas' 'proofs'
- The ontological argument and other a priori arguments
- The argument from beauty
- The argument from personal 'experience'
- The argument from scripture
- The argument from admired religious scientists
- Pascal's Wager
- Bayesian arguments
Why There Almost Certainly Is No God
- The Ultimate Boeing 747
- Natural selection as a consciousness-raiser
- Irreducible complexity
- The worship of gaps
- The anthropic principle: planetary version
- The anthropic principle: cosmological version
- An interlude at Cambridge
- The Roots Of Religion
- The Darwinian imperative
- Direct advantages of religion
- Group selection
- Religion as a by-product of something else
- Psychologically primed for religion
- Tread softly, because you tread on my memes
- Cargo cults
The Roots Of Morality: Why Are We Good?
- Does our moral sense have a Darwinian origin?
- A case study in the roots of morality
- If there is no God, why be good?
- The 'Good' Book And The Changing Moral Zeitgeist
- The Old Testament
- Is the New Testament any better?
- Love thy neighbour
- The moral Zeitgeist
- What about Hitler and Stalin? Weren't they atheists?
- What's Wrong With Religion? Why Be So Hostile?
- Fundamentalism and the subversion of science
- The dark side of absolutism
- Faith and homosexuality
- Faith and the sanctity of human life
- The Great Beethoven Fallacy
- How 'moderation' in faith fosters fanaticism
- Childhood, Abuse And The Escape From Religion - See
Is the Teaching of Religion
Really a Form of Child Abuse?
- Physical and mental abuse
- In defence of children
- An educational scandal
- Consciousness-raising again
- Religious education as a part of literary culture
- A Much Needed Gap?
- Binker
- Consolation
- Inspiration
- The mother of all burkas
Related Pages 
- Flew Speaks Out: Professor Antony Flew reviews The God Delusion
- The Ipod Tutor: The Argument Against Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion A secular analysis of the logical fallacies in The God Delusion.
Last Modified July 20, 2008