Descent of Humans
Are humans just advanced apes or are we more than that? Is Genesis a fairy tale, with its long life spans that is contradicted by modern evolutionary biology? Did we originate in Africa or Eden? Doesn't molecular biology show that we are descended from now extinct hominids?
- Descent of Mankind Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology
- Human Y-Chromosome: 'horrendously different' from Nearest Living 'Relative' - Aren't humans and chimpanzees 98% Identical?
- The
Origin of Mankind and the Races - An examination of evolutionary and
creationary models and how they fit the current scientific data (
PowerPoint Presentation, 1.5 MB).
- The Human Difference: How Humans are Unique Compared to All Other Animals - Think man is just a glorified ape? Think again. A scientific and biblical examination of the evidence.
- Mind-Body Dualism - Is the Mind Purely a Function of the Brain? - Science has disproved the existence of the soul?
- Out of Africa or Out of Eden: Does Science Contradict the Bible? New data suggests an explanation for the apparent contradiction.
Australopithecus sediba: The Missing Link Between Apes and Humans? Australopithecus sediba appears to be a specialized ape rather than an intermediate.
- A Scientific and Biblical Response to "Up from the Apes. Remarkable New Evidence Is Filling in the Story of How We Became Human" - A comprehensive response to the Time article of August 23, 1999 by Fazale Rana, Ph.D., Richard Deem, MS, and Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
- A Philosophical Critical Analysis of Recent Ape-Language Studies by Dennis Bonnette - Do the ape language studies show that they are similar to humans?
- Must Human Evolution Contradict Genesis? by Dennis Bonnette - Does an intellectual Christian need to reject Genesis?
- Did Darwin Prove Genesis a Fairy Tale? by Dennis Bonnette
- Thomas Aquinas Meets Nim Chimpsky: On The Debate About Human Nature And The Nature Of Other Animals
by Marie George (
PDF file, 165 kb)
- Long Life Spans- "Adam Lived 930 Years and Then He Died" -Is it impossible that humans could have lived nearly a millennium?
- Hobbit Human-Like Species Found on Flores Island in Indonesia - Is this proof or a problem for evolution? Is it merely a microencephalic with congenital abnormalities?
- Australopithecus sediba: The Missing Link Between Apes and Humans?
Book Reviews
Book Review: Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man
- Book Review: Science and Human Origins
- Book Review: Origin of the Human Species
- Book Review: Creation As Science: A Testable Model Approach to End the Creation/evolution Wars
- Book Review: Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues
More Evolution vs. Design
- Evidence for Design in the Universe
- Evidence for Design in Biology
- Scientific Theories on the Origin of Life
- Evolutionary Biology Theories
- Evolutionary Theories and Biblical Morality
Related Resources 
Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man Are humans just advanced apes or have they been specially created in the image of God? Publications by scientists almost never ask the question, whereas publications by theists seldom examine the scientific data that relates to the question. However, two scientists raised in non-Christian homes, Fuz Rana (Ph.D. in chemistry) and Hugh Ross (Ph.D. in astronomy), have written a new book (Who Was Adam?: A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man) that examines the question of human origins by comparing biblical and evolutionary models. More...
Origin of the Human Species?
Dr. Dennis Bonnette offers a
philosophical analysis of the theory of evolution with particular application to
human origins. Dr. Bonnette presents evolutionary theories (both theistic and
non-theistic), along with creationists' explanations. Dr. Bonnette, being a
Roman Catholic, defends the traditional Roman Catholic interpretation of human
origins from the book of Genesis. Although he does not take an official position
on the superiority of any one theistic model, his book seems most compatible
with an old earth creationist approach. The book describes a "natural" or
"philosophical" species, as a group of biological species that is functionally
similar. More...
Last Modified September 16, 2011